Please visit the Brown University travel portal for a complete listing of local hotel accommodations and discounted guest pricing.
Brown University Travel Portal
Also note that Brown CME may have reserved rooms at a special conference rate for some events. Please consult the specific event page or brochure for details.
The Brown CME Office reserves the right to change the delivery format, delay, or cancel CME events due to any unforeseen circumstances. In the event a CME event is cancelled, the Brown CME Office will refund your registration fee in full. Brown CME will not be held responsible for any travel, hotel or other costs incurred.
Registration Substitutions may be made at any time without an additional charge. Refunds will be issued for all cancellations received two weeks prior to the start of the conference. An administrative fee will be charged for all refunds and credits. (Administrative fees vary based on conference. Please see specific conference registration page for correct fee.) “No shows” are subject to the full conference fee. Cancellations/substitutions must be made IN WRITING. No refunds or credits will be issued once the conference has started.